
Mission Statement

To demonstrate excellence in the level of financial services provided to our public customers, elected officials, and the City of Sanford and its departments, while maintaining prudent use of financial resources in compliance with all associated laws, regulations and policies.

Finance Director

Cynthia Lindsay

Ms. Lindsay is a graduate of the University of Central Florida with a B.S. in Accounting and a M.S.T. in Taxation. She is a Certified Public Accountant as designated by the State of Florida and a Certified Government Finance Officer as designated by the Government Finance Officers Association. She is a member of the Government Finance Officers Association(GFOA), the Florida Government Finance Officers Association, and the Central Florida Chapter of the Government Finance Officers Association and volunteers through the GFOA as a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report reviewer. Ms. Lindsay was appointed Director of Finance in October 2010.

Cynthia Lindsay (407) 688-5026 Email: Finance Director

Department Responsibilities

The Financial Services Department administers Accounting and Treasury functions, Debt Management, Financial, Grant Compliance, Budgeting, Purchasing, and Information Technology Services for all City departments.

Core Finance Duties

In its accounting and treasury, debt management, budgeting and financial and grant compliance capacities, the Finance Department must ensure complete and accurate accounting of all transactions, and reporting of all financial information in accordance with professional accounting standards and federal, state, and local laws. This division handles the payroll for all City employees, pays all invoices for goods and services used by City departments, records and tracks fixed assets, monitors grant funding and manages the City’s investing and borrowing activities. Finance also coordinates the Comprehensive Annual Finance Report, which is part of the City’s annual, independent audit process. The Finance department also assumed the duties of the Budget Department starting with fiscal year 2011 and as such administers the City’s budget process as well.

Budget Award!

Sanford was awarded the
GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting

Budget Award!

Sanford was awarded the
GFOA Distinguished Budget Award.

New Purchasing Forms

ACH automated payment process now available -
Enroll Now!


The Finance Department is responsible for the preparation of the City’s annual budget. The budget process starts in February and ends in September, with the budget being effective October 1 of each year.

Finance Documents

Budget Information

The Finance Department has several years of budgets available electronically on the website.  Click on the links below to download electronic budget documents.

2025 Budget

In accordance with F.S. 200.065, the City must hold two public hearings on their proposed annual budgets. Public Hearings for adoption of the FY 2025 Budget will be held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall during the following City Commission Meetings:

  • FIRST PUBLIC HEARING: Monday, September 09, 2024 7:00 pm
  • SECOND PUBLIC HEARING: Monday, September 23, 2024 7:00 pm


2024 Budget

In accordance with F.S. 200.065, the City must hold two public hearings on their proposed annual budgets. Public Hearings for adoption of the FY 2024 Budget will be held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall during the following City Commission Meetings:

  • FIRST PUBLIC HEARING: Monday, September 11, 2023 7:00 pm
  • SECOND PUBLIC HEARING: Monday, September 25, 2023 7:00 pm

FY 2024 Final Budget


  1.  Resolution 3165 Police- Replacement Speed Trailer
  2.  Resolution 3166 Police- Edward Byrne Grant
  3.  Resolution 3173 Fire- Fire Station Project – Design Management
  4.  Resolution 3174 Finance – Increase in Expenditures
  5.  Resolution 3175 Parks- Playground Improvements
  6.  Resolution 3176 PW – Temporary Position
  7.  Resolution 3177 Fire – FS40 Design Services
  8.  Resolution 3178 Fire –  Fence Installation
  9.  Resolution 3181 Parks – Cultural Arts Center Roof Repairs
  10.  Resolution 3183 Utilities – FDEP Grant
  11.  Resolution 3184 Utilities – FDEP Grant
  12.  Resolution 3190 Neighborhood Stabilizing Program Grant
  13.  Resolution 3191 CRA Budget Increase
  14.  Resolution 3192 Police – Purchase Speed Trailer
  15.  Resolution 3193 Utilities – Machinery & Equipment
  16.  Resolution 3194 Utilities – Lift Station Pumps
  17.  Resolution 3195 Second Dollar and Forfeiture Funds
  18.  Resolution 3196 Development Services – Project Management Services
  19.  Resolution 3197 Fire – ST32 Training Pavilion
  20.  Resolution 3201 Finance – Increase in Capital Funds
  21.  Resolution 3202 Community Relations – CDBG Funding
  22.  Resolution 3203 Fire – Safety Equipment
  23.  Resolution 3204 Public Works – Stormwater Repairs
  24.  Resolution 3205 Development Services – Engineering Services
  25.  Resolution 3169 PW-FDEP GRANT – Drinking Water SRF
  26.  Resolution 3210 PAC – Art Sculptures
  27.  Resolution 3212 Police – Purchase Printers
  28.  Resolution 3216 CRA – Rollover Budget Amendment
  29.  Resolution 3217 PW – Redistributing Funds for FY24 Projects
  30.  Resolution 3226 PW-FDEP WRF BNR Improvements Phase II
  31.  Resolution 3230 Dev Services-Bldg – Incr PO 39112 Central Square
  32.  Resolution 3229 Dev Services-Bldg – Incre PO 38421 Breezeway Proj
  33.  Resolution 3224 Fire – HP RT Training Grant
  34.  Resolution 3223 Police – Sponsorship to Sanford Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
  35.  Resolution 3240 Fire – Operations – New Fire Station 40 Construction
  36.  Resolution 3239 Parks & Rec – Annual Tree Trimming
  37.  Resolution 3236 PW Streets – Mixer Truck
  38.  Resolution 3235 PW-Stormwater – Change Order – Maplewood Dr Project
  39.  Resolution 3234 PW-Streets – Mini Paver
  40.  Resolution 3237 Police – Replacement CSO Vehicles
  41.  Resolution 3238 PW Streets – Purchase Caterpillar Compactor Roller
  42.  Resolution 3243 City-Adm-City-Mgr-Marina-Roof-Repair
  43.  Resolution 3244 Fire-Oper-ZHA-Const
  44.  Resolution 3245 REC-Marina- Transfer of Capital Assest
  45.  Resolution 3249 Fire-Oper-STA 40 Addtl Eng Srvcs
  46.  Resolution 3250 Police-Adm- Repl Police Vehicle
  47.  Resolution 3251 Dev Svcs-Bldg-Incr PO ZHA Breezeway Proj
  48.  Resolution 3252 PW-UT-Plants-FDEP Consent Order
  49.  Resolution 3253 PW-UT-Plants-Thermaer Odor Control Basins
  50.  Resolution 3254 PW-UT-WS-Goldsboro Hydrant Infrastructure
  51.  Resolution 3255 PW-Water-UT SR 46 Utility Relocation Proj
  52.  Resolution 3258 PW-Budget Tree Svc-Tree Mitigation
  53.  Resolution 3259 Econ Dev-CRA-PAC to CRA Fund
  54.  Resolution 3266 Dev Svcs-Bldg-Correction to BT from March
2023 Budget

In accordance with F.S. 200.065, the City must hold two public hearings on their proposed annual budgets. Public Hearings for adoption of the FY 2023 Budget will be held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall during the following City Commission Meetings:

  • FIRST PUBLIC HEARING: Monday, September 12, 2022 7:00 pm
  • SECOND PUBLIC HEARING: Monday, September 26, 2022 7:00 pm

FY 2023 Final Budget


  1. Resolution 3066 Police-Axon Body Cameras and Officer Safety Plan
  2. Resolution 3072 Police-Edward Bryne Memorial Grant
  3. Resolution 3071 Police-Bulletproof Vests Grant
  4. Resolution 3076 Parks-Annual Tree Trimming
  5. Resolution 3075 Police-IT Server Room AC
  6. Resolution 3084 Police-COPS De-Escalation Training Grant
  7. Resolution 3074 Extension of a Pilot Trolley Program
  8. Resolution 3074-2 Parks-Program Support Grant
  9. Resolution 3078 CDBG-Rollover CARES Grant
  10. Resolution 3086 FIRE-Vehicle Replacement
  11. Resolution 3085 Police -Vehicle Replacement
  12. Resolution 3088 CM-Three Additional LIHEAP Techs
  13. Resolution 3081 CM-Goldsboro Mainstreet Program
  14. Resolution 3087 Increase Building Fund and Additional Employees
  15. Resolution 3091 Dev Svcs-Replacement Vehicle
  16. Resolution 3092 Sanford Mainstreet Program Funding
  17. Resolution 3093 Parks-Power Line for Cemetery
  18. Resolution 3097 Utilities-FDEP Grant
  19. Resolution 3098  Parks-Replace Sod due to Hurricane Ian
  20.  Resolution 3082 FY2022 Year-End Budget Adjustment
  21.  Resolution 3083 PW-Myrtle Ave Streetscape
  22.  Resolution 3099 MARINA-FEMA Damage Assessment Services
  23.  Resolution 3100 CM-Simpson Remediation Construction Services
  24.  Resolution 3101 CM-Construction Demo and Renovations
  25.  Resolution 3102 PARKS-Annual Landscape Services
  26.  Resolution 3103 CRA-Goldsboro Trolley Pilot Program
  27.  Resolution 3104 Dev Svcs-Implement Central Square Software
  28.  Resolution 3106 Budget Rollovers from FY2022 to FY2023
  29.  Resolution 3107 PD-Grant for Barricades
  30.  Resolution 3108 FIRE-Urban Search and Rescue Equipment (FDEM Grant)
  31.  Resolution 3109 PARKS-Seawall Repairs – Hurricane Ian
  32.  Resolution 3110 FIRE-R31 Emergency Repairs
  33.  Resolution 3113 CM-Simpson Remediation Services Change Order #1
  34.  Resolution 3114 PARKS-Remove Trees Stumps due to Hurricane Ian
  35.  Resolution 3115 CM-Armed Security Guard for City Hall
  36.  Resolution 3116 MARINA – Repairs and Promissory Note
  37.  Resolution 3118 Agreement with PJI for consulting for REEI
  38.  Resolution 3119 PARKS-Ft Mellon Park Repairs
  39.  Resolution 3125 PARKS-Pressure Cleaning Services due to Hurricane Ian
  40.  Resolution 3120 ARPA Spending Plan Reallocation
  41.  Resolution 3126 PARKS- Repair Playground Equipment Kirby & Pinehurst Parks
  42.  Resolution 3133 FIRE-FS 40 Design Services
  43.  Resolution 3134 PARKS-Mayfair Country Club
  44.  Resolution 3139 PARKS-Riverwalk Irrigation Repairs
  45.  Resolution 3145 PW-Stormwater Improvements
  46.  Resolution 3148 PARKS-Hurricane Repairs
  47.  Resolution 3149 PARKS-Lake Carola Rehabilitation
  48.  Resolution 3150 PW-Road Improvements
  49.  Resolution 3151 Downtown Sanford Marina FEMA Damage
  50.  Resolution 3153 FIRE-Fire Prevention Promotion
  51.  Resolution 3154 Vacuum Sewer Rehabilitation
  52.  Resolution 3159 FIRE-FS40 Design Services
  53.  Resolution 3156 General Program Support Grant – Sanford Museum
2022 Budget

2022 Budget

In accordance with F.S. 200.065, the City must hold two public hearings on their proposed annual budgets. Public Hearings for adoption of the FY 2022 Budget will be held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall during the following City Commission Meetings:

  • FIRST PUBLIC HEARING: Monday, September 13, 2021 7:00 pm
  • SECOND PUBLIC HEARING: Monday, September 27, 2021 7:00 pm

FY 2022 Adopted Budget


  1. Resolution 2991 PAC Seagull Art Project
  2. Resolution 2992 Police-Edward Byrne Grant
  3. Resolution 2995 Use of ARP Grant Monies
  4. Resolution 3002 Parks-Tree Mitigation
  5. Resolution 3001 Neel-Shaffer Design Services
  6. Resolution 2998 Loyalty Incentive Program
  7. Resolution 3003 Cottage Homes Project Plans Update
  8. Resolution 3004 FIBRS Implementation Assistance Program
  9. Resolution 2999 Deputy City Manager Additional FTE
  10. Resolution 3005 Police-AAA Traffic Safety Grant
  11. Resolution 3008 SRF Loan 590192
  12. Resolution 3006 Clam Truck Price Increase
  13. Resolution 3011 Design Planning for Breezeway Remodel
  14. Resolution 3012 Rollover Budget from FY21 to FY22
  15. Resolution 3017 Unidirectional Flushing Program
  16. Resolution 3016 Parks-Annual Tree Trimming
  17. Resolution 3018 Fire-Station 38 Roof Repair
  18. Resolution 3020 Marina-Master Planning Services
  19. Resolution 3019 Plants-Alternative Water Supply CUP
  20. Resolution 3022 ARPA Premium Pay Adjustment
  21. Resolution 3023 Fire-replacement Fire Engine Pumper
  22. Resolution 3024 True Up LIHEAP Budget
  23. Resolution 3025 CDBG Cover Temporary Worker Payroll
  24. Resolution 3026 Mayfair Drainage Improvements
  25. Resolution 3029 SR46 Landscape Quote Increase
  26. Resolution 3033 Tree Mitigation
  27. Resolution 3032 Memorial Bricks at Veterans Park
  28. Resolution 3035 Mayfair Golf Carts Purchase
  29. Resolution 3031 McCracken Road Sidewalk Feasibility Study
  30. Resolution 3030 Reserve Funds for Programming & Repairs
  31. Resolution 3036 Marina Management and Operating Expenses
  32. Resolution 3037 Parks – Tree Mitigation
  33. Resolution 3038 Development Services – Replacement Planning Department Vehicle
  34. Resolution 3039 Public Works Emergency Response Facility Building
  35. Resolution 3046 Fund Additional Code Enforcement Officer
  36. Resolution 3043 Employee Inflation Assistance
  37. Resolution 3042 City Manager’s Race & Equity Committee
  38. Resolution 3040 City Manager’s Goldsboro Main Street Funding
  39. Resolution 3049 Fire-Replacement Gas Monitors
  40. Resolution 3050 Public Works – Pinecrest Roadway Reconstruction
  41. Resolution 3052 Public Works – ADA Compliancy
  42. Resolution 3051 Public Works – 3rd Street Sidewalk Improvements
  43. Resolution 3054 Police -Blauer Rain Gear
  44. Resolution 3056 CDBG-Rollover of CARES funds
  45. Resolution 3056 FIRE-Fuel Budget Increase

  46. Resolution 3057 MAYFAIR – Operational Transfer
  47. Resolution 3061 FIRE – Station 40 New Fire Engine Pumper
  48. Resolution 3062 FIRE – Repairs and Maintenance
  49. Resolution 3053 BLDG-Replacement Vehicle & Fee Study
  50. Resolution 3048 Marina Repairs & Capital Needs
  51. Resolution 3058 City Manager-LIHWAP Grant Budget
  52. Resolution 3058 City Manager-LIHWAP ARPA Grant
  53. Resolution 3082 Amend FY2022 Budget
2021 Budget

In accordance with F.S. 200.065, the City must hold two public hearings on their proposed annual budgets. Public Hearings for adoption of the FY 2021 Budget will be held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall during the following City Commission Meetings:

  • FIRST PUBLIC HEARING: Monday, September 14, 2020 7:00 pm
  • SECOND PUBLIC HEARING: Monday, September 28, 2020 7:00 pm

FY 2021 Adopted Budget


1.   Resolution 2902  Hurricane Tree Trimming and Removal

2.   Resolution 2909  Seminole Co Interlocal Funding Agreement

3.   Resolution 2912  Adjustments to City Budget

4.   Resolution 2913  Rollover CARES Funds FY20 TO FY21 for CDBG & LIHEAP

5.   Resolution 2916  Elm Ave Drainage Project Budget

6.   Resolution 2917  Additional Funds-New SFD Tower Truck

7.   Resolution 2918  Veteran Bricks Engraving

8.   Resolution 2920  HR Admin III Position

9.   Resolution 2928  Police Grant re Bulletproof Vests

10. Resolution 2929  Granite Inliner for Pipe Rehab

11. Resolution 2927  Edward Byrne Memorial Grant – Police

12.  Resolution 2933  Mellonville Drainage Improvements

13.  Resolution 2934  Budget Rollover 2020-2021

14.  Resolution 2939  Repairs to Jeff Triplett Community Center

15.  Resolution 2941  Decontamination Equipment Grant

16.  Resolution 2944  CIP Additions Use of Reserves

17.  Resolution 2947  Mitigation Annual Tree Trimming

18.  Resolution 2948  Police FMIT Grant

19.  Resolution 2949  Stormwater Improvements

20.  Resolution 2950  Fire-Purchase Stryker MTS Power Loader

21.  Resolution 2962  Public Works re Tree Mitigation

22.  Resolution 2963  Reorganization of Building Division

23.  Resolution 2964  Development Services Departmental Vehicle

24. Resolution 2965  Fire – Replacement Bunker Gear ST31

25. Resolution 2967   Parks-Tree Mitigation

26.  Resolution 2961  Bobcat Track Loader Replacement

27.  Resolution 2959  Reiss Master Plan-Revised

28.  Resolution 2988  Elgin Crosswind Street Sweeper

29.  Resolution 2966  CDBG CARES Grant

30.  Resolution 2995  Year End Budget Adjustment

2020 Budget

In accordance with F.S. 200.065, the City must hold two public hearings on their proposed annual budgets. Public Hearings for adoption of the FY 2021 Budget will be held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall during the following City Commission Meetings:

  • FIRST PUBLIC HEARING: Monday, September 13, 2021 7:00 pm
  • SECOND PUBLIC HEARING: Monday, September 27, 2021 7:00 pm

FY 2020 Final Budget


  1.  Resolution No. 2818    Bryne Memorial Grant
  2.  Resolution No. 2819    Stormwater Design Services Funding
  3.  Resolution No. 2826    Mayfair Golf Course Buildings
  4.  Resolution No. 2831    Nutrient Reduction Project FDEP
  5.  Resolution No. 2832    Utility Box Wrap Project
  6.  Resolution No. 2837    Police Contract Costs
  7.  Resolution No. 2839    Groveview Park Shelter and Lighting
  8.  Resolution No. 2840    Goldsboro Neighborhood Future Land Use
  9.  Resolution No. 2842    FY19-20 Budget Rollover
  10.  Resolution No. 2845    Riverwalk Phase III
  11.  Resolution No. 2846    Mayfair Golf-Modular Buildings
  12.  Resolution No. 2848    Walmart Community Grant – Police
  13.  Resolution No. 2849    Safety Grant
  14.  Resolution No. 2850    Riverwalk Phase III
  15.  Resolution No. 2851    Sanford Mayfair Management
  16.  Resolution No. 2855    CDBG Budget
  17.  Resolution No. 2856    USAI Grant – Police Command Vehicle
  18.  Resolution No. 2861    FD IAFF Contract Agreement
  19.  Resolution No. 2867    Lift Station Repair
  20. Resolution No. 2877    Purchase Thrushman Parcel
  21. Resolution No. 2875    CARES ED Grants
  22. Resolution No. 2883    Removal of Contaminated Soil
  23. Resolution No. 2876    Touhy Park Brick Replacement
  24. Resolution No. 2878    Donation-Orlando City Soccer to Mellonville Center
  25. Resolution No. 2884    HMGP Grant to Wind Retrofit Fire Stations 32 & 38
  26. Resolution No. 2885    Parks General Program Support Grant
  27. Resolution No. 2886    CIP Expenses
  28. Resolution No. 2890    SRF Loan DW590192
2019 Budget

In accordance with F.S. 200.065, the City must hold two public hearings on their proposed annual budgets. Public Hearings for adoption of the FY 2021 Budget will be held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall during the following City Commission Meetings:

  • FIRST PUBLIC HEARING: Monday, September 13, 2021 7:00 pm
  • SECOND PUBLIC HEARING: Monday, September 27, 2021 7:00 pm

FY 2019 Final Budget


  1. Resolution No. 2769      Repair HVAC System – Public Service Complex
  2. Resolution No. 2759      New vehicle for Solid Waste Department
  3. Resolution No. 2767      Point antennas for Coastline Park cameras
  4. Resolution No. 2768      Equipment for Bay & Magnolia Ave Park
  5. Resolution No. 2770      Storm relocation at Catalyst site
  6. Resolution No. 2771      DEO Grant Professional Services
  7. Resolution No. 2758      FDOT Bicycle Pedestrian Focused Initiative
  8. Resolution No. 2776      Increase demand / development activity
  9. Resolution No. 2777      Roll forward budget adjustment
  10. Resolution No. 2779      Replace 2005 Ford Excursion (Unit #28)
  11. Resolution No. 2785      Real Estate Services, locate land for future station site
  12. Resolution No. 2787      Proactive Tree Trimming & Removal of Trees before storm season
  13. Resolution No. 2797      Baseball Donation applied to Recreation Department
  14. Resolution No. 2798      Police Dept. – 2019 Justice Assistance Grant (County-Wide)
  15. Resolution No. 2774      Nutrient Reduction Project funded from FDEP
  16. Resolution No. 2780      Breakwater Wall repairs with Wharton-Smith
  17. Resolution No. 2782      Pump Branch Drainage Basic Project with CPH, Inc.
  18. Resolution No. 2783      Rehabilitation of Lee P. Moore Park
  19. Resolution No. 2790      Purchase of CIP Equipment for Fire Department
  20. Resolution No. 2791      Mellonville Sports Complex multi-purpose fields construction
  21. Resolution No. 2792      New Brick Engraving and Sealant for existing bricks
  22. Resolution No. 2800      Treatment and Disposal of Bio-solids
  23. Resolution No. 2756      Tree Mitigation and Removal
  24. Resolution No. 2803      Riverwalk Hurricane Irma Remediation
  25. Resolution No. 2804      Park Stormwater Pond
  26. Resolution No. 2802      Use of Reserves for Capital Replacement Items
  27. Resolution No. 2813      Program Support Grant
  28. Resolution No. 2825      Final Budget Amendment for FY 2019

Financial Reports

State law requires that all general purpose local governments publish, at the close of each fiscal year, a complete set of financial statements presented in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and audited in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards by a firm of licensed Certified Public Accountants.  The goal of the independent audit is to provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements of the City are free of material misstatement.

2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report………………………………………………………….

2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report………………………………………………………….

2021 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report………………………………………………………….

2020 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report………………………………………………………….

2019 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report………………………………………………………….

2018 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report………………………………………………………….

City of Sanford, FL | The Friendly City

We are currently experiencing operational issues at the City’s North Water Reclamation Facility. This facility produces the majority of the City’s reclaim water.  We are currently limiting the hours of operation for our reclaim water system from 8:00 PM-8:00 AM. Please keep in mind the pressure will be low to very little until this is resolved.